Karen W.
Waterloo, IA
I am the mom of 3 great kids. They have all had to be strong and deal with alot. Especially my 2 younger kids,Joshua who is 6 yrs old and Rose who is 4 yrs have had asthma since birth. They have both had pnemonia a number of times,and have many med changes to get their symptoms under control. All they want to be is normal little kids who play with other kids and do sports. Rose is in gymnastics and enjoys it very much,she does have to use her inhaler alot but thats okay with her. Joshua wants to play hockey,but the doctor says he can't right now because the last time he had pnemonia he damaged his lungs. But he might beable to in a couple of yrs. He also wants to play football when he is older.
My kids are my little heros. They have dealt with everything with the happiness of kids...