Journey Time Chris Draft [Changing the face of lung cancer]
December 01, 2018
In this episode, we meet Chris Draft, a former NFL linebacker and lung cancer advocate leading an international campaign to change the face of lung cancer. In 2011, lung cancer claimed the life of his wife, Keasha, and today, Chris uses his platform to stand up for others battling lung cancer.
During Keasha’s lung cancer battle, Chris and Keasha founded Team Draft to tackle cancer as a team. In this episode of Journey Time, Chris opens up about their journey during Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Chris speaks with Hannah on November 27th, which marks Team Draft’s 7th anniversary and Chris and Keasha’s 7th wedding anniversary.
In #JourneyTime, we explore people’s journeys and how they navigate through this world, while gaining new perspectives and taking away some inspiration. Hope you enjoy this episode!