William Nash
Executive Board
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Bill Nash currently overseas energy Commodity Price Risk Mgmt. for Mondelez. His 25+ year career focused on building strategies to manage commodity price risk for various food and beverage companies as well as agriculture companies with a focus on trading grains. Bill comes from a family where community service was a part of everyday life. He is the 3rd generation of his family to serve as a board member for a national organization as well as various local and state organizations. Over the years, Bill has been involved with the various young farmer and 4-H organizations, Central Illinois Big Brothers and Big Sisters as well as coached numerous soccer and softball teams. He currently volunteers at Loaves & Fishes, a local food bank in Naperville as well coaches on a travel softball team. Bill received an Agricultural Economics degree from Purdue University and currently resides in Aurora, IL with his wife Tracy and daughter Erin.