Redskins' Lorenzo Alexander and Kedric Golston ride bikes

One day, as football players are wont to do, Kedric Golston and Mike Sellers began discussing their new rides inside the Redskins' locker room. Golston had ridden his bike to work on this day, and he promised to show it to Sellers when they went out for conditioning drills.
Young safety Chris Horton overheard the conversation, and wanted in on the bike viewing. Everyone likes to see a pro football player's motorcycle, right?
So then everyone went outside, and Golston proudly pointed to his Trek hybrid.
"He sees it's a 12-speed, and it crushed him," Golston recalled. "He's like, 'man, this dude's riding a bike.' "
Yes, Kedric Golston sometimes rides his bicycle to work at Redskins Park. So does Lorenzo Alexander. So have past Redskins defensive linemen like Cornelius Griffin and Renaldo Wynn. So does the AP's Joseph White, but he parks in a different lot, I think.
"Once you get past the fact that you're riding your bike to work, it's really enjoyable for us big guys," Golston told me. "A lot of times we may be able to have an extra bowl of ice cream and it wouldn't affect us."
Golston and Alexander are frequent biking partners, riding for perhaps 20 miles together on the Washington and Old Dominion Trail, which is near their Northern Virginia homes. There may not be a lot of 300-pound NFL linemen on the trail, but they said no one pays them much mind.
"We talk about life, we talk about football," Alexander said.
"Sometimes we're just silent," Golston added.
"You'll see people with better bikes, older women and men, 55 or 60 years old, just flying by us," Alexander said.
"We've got the shoes, we've got the tights, we've got the biking shorts," Golston said. "We look official. Just like really big guys on bikes."
"And you save money on gas," Alexander pointed out.
As they've gotten more and more attracted to biking culture, Alexander and Golston started exploring its charity side, twice riding in local charity races, once for 63 miles. This year, they went further, joining to host the July 18 Ride to Provide on the W&OD, which will raise money for Alexander's ACES Foundation and other charitable causes.
The two men were out for an hour-long ride on Monday, but truth is, there aren't as many joint trips as there used to be. Golston is supposed to be at about 310 or 300 pounds next season, and he finds it difficult to maintain that weight while also riding regularly. Alexander, meantime, is switching to outside linebacker and is aiming for 265 or 270 pounds, so his training needs are different.
Neither man has yet splurged for the sort of bike that would impress Chris Horton. Alexander is worried that his weight would crush a high-end carbon-fiber model, and he isn't sure if he'll still want to ride when his NFL career is over. Golston, meantime, knows that he'd want to ride a new toy incessantly, and there's that weight issue again.
And they don't commute to work on two wheels during the season, but if it's a nice summer day, why not?
"I rode my bike around my block, but nothing like this," Alexander said. "There's a big difference between a Huffy and a nice Trek."
"It takes you back to your youth," Golston said. "We all grew up loving to ride bikes. We're all just big kids."