EPAs Communities in Action for Asthma-Friendly Environments National Asthma Forum

May 01, 2008

EPAs Communities in Action for Asthma-Friendly Environments National Asthma Forum
EPAs Communities in Action for Asthma-Friendly Environments National Asthma Forum

On May 1, 2008, Chris joined the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to present the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management recognizing leading health plans and health care providers who are addressing environmental triggers as part of their comprehensive asthma care programs.
Winners of the prestigious National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management serve as models for health plans and providers looking for ways to improve health outcomes for their asthma patients.  The 2008 winners were honored in Washington, D.C. at EPAs Communities in Action for Asthma-Friendly Environments National Asthma Forum.  The 2008 winners included Asthma Network of West Michigan, Monroe Plan for Medical Care, and University of Michigan Health System.

Click here for more information on the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management, and profiles of the award-winning programs.