Community Partners on The Journey
American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is: "Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke."
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Boys & Girls Clubs of America

For more than 100 years, Boys & Girls Clubs of America has been changing and saving young lives, providing hope and opportunity for kids who need them most. Today, some 4,300 Clubs serve some 4.8 million young people through Club membership and community outreach. Known as The Positive Place for Kids, Boys & Girls Clubs can be found all across the country and on U.S. military bases throughout the world. Clubs provide young people 6-18 years old with guidance-oriented character development programs conducted by trained, professional staff. In communities large and small, Clubs positively impact lives and help young people reach their full potential as productive, caring citizens. Key Boys & Girls Club programs emphasize leadership development; education and career exploration; community service; financial literacy; health and life skills; the arts; sports, fitness and recreation; and family outreach. In a recent Harris Survey of Club alumni, 57 percent said the Club saved their life. National headquarters are located in Atlanta.
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American Lung Association

The mission of the American Lung Association® is to prevent lung disease and promote lung health. The American Lung Association® is the oldest voluntary health organization in the United States, with a National Office and constituent and affiliate associations around the country. Founded in 1904 to fight tuberculosis, the American Lung Association® today fights lung disease in all its forms, with special emphasis on asthma, tobacco control and environmental health.
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Center for Disease Control (CDC)

CDC's Mission is "to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the nation’s premier public health agency—working to ensure healthy people in a healthy world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting public health activities in the United States.
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CHARACTERplus, an initiative of Cooperating School Districts, is devoted to advancing the cause and importance of character education. This organization is designed to address issues related to student character, responsibility, and academic achievement. CHARACTERplus provides quality training, resources, and leadership to help parents and schools accomplish one of their most important jobs – the character development of the next generation.
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NFL Football Foundation Play It Smart Program

In 1998, The National Football Foundation created Play It Smart, an educational program targeted at high school football players from economically disadvantaged environments where family and community support are often lacking. The program, designed to transform student-athletes’ passion for sport and intense dedication to their team into a force for greater good in their lives, is remarkably successful. Play It Smart participants graduate and go on to college at rates well above those of their peers, all at a cost of less than a dollar per day per student-athlete.
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Healthcare Georgia Foundation

The Healthcare Georgia Foundation works to advance the health of all Georgians and to expand access to affordable, quality healthcare for under served individuals and communities.
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Healthy Youth Partnership

The Healthy Youth Partnership is committed to advancing the health of children and families living in the St. Louis and Metro East region. It will accomplish this by supporting collaboration among its members and by facilitating the development, exchange, and implementation of programs and practices that promote optimal health outcomes.
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United States Envorinmental Protection Agency

EPA leads the nation's environmental science, research, education and assessment efforts. The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. Since 1970, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.
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Dance St. Louis

Since 1966, Dance St. Louis has been bringing extraordinary dance from around the world to St. Louis. Dance St. Louis is a dance presenting company and a non-profit organization, one of the oldest and most respected dance presenters in the United States. Their mission is to provide the St. Louis region with the world's best dance and to develop an appreciation of dance as an art form. Dance St. Louis fulfills this mission through dance presentation, creation and education outreach.
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PHL, Inc.’s goal is simple – repair, replace, purchase, improve and build athletic facilities and equipment for public school districts in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Projects are undertaken based on the need of the community and school district. PHL, Inc. is a not-for-profit Missouri corporation with Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) status as a public charity.
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Jazz St. Louis

Jazz St. Louis is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to the thriving of jazz in America through our mission: to promote, present, and preserve jazz in greater St. Louis and to enhance St. Louis' reputation as a premier jazz center. St. Louisans have played and listened to jazz for almost a century. They are the only organization in the St. Louis area working to celebrate and extend that rich heritage by making St. Louis a flourishing jazz community, and, we hope, by setting an example that other American cities will emulate.
Schnucks Markets
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Be Active North Carolina

Be Active North Carolina, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of all North Carolinians. Their mission is to increase physical activity and promote healthy lifestyles among all North Carolinians through people, programs and policies.
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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri

The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mission is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with measurable impact. It is the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri to provide a mentor to every child who wants and needs one.
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100 Black Men

The 100 Black Men of America, Inc., and its over 100 chapters, supports communities in the United Stated, the Caribbean, and England. For nearly 50 years, the 100 has served at the frontline, working with many youth who are considered to be at-risk, providing counter-cultural images of Black men worthy of emulation.
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Health M Powers

HealthMPowers is a unique, coordinated initiative designed to increase health knowledge and promote health-enhancing behaviors among youth by providing state-of-the-art programming in the school setting. HealthMPowers programs are designed to provide students with the health information, skills, resources and motivation necessary for them to take responsibility for their own health. Health education lessons are presented in a memorable and interactive way helping each student build a foundation for making responsible health decisions throughout the course of his or her life.
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United Way of Greater St. Louis

The United Way of Greater St. Louis is the best way to help build a stronger community. The United Way remains a volunteer-driven organization that operates independently of all other United Ways, which means that means the money we raised in St. Louis stays in St. Louis. More than 90 cents of every dollar received is allocated to local agencies, fulfilling the original Community Fund mandate of "philanthropy without waste."
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Fourth Down Fundamentals

Leigh Torrance's foundation, the South West Atlanta Youth Foundation (SWAY) serves to provide funding and resources for programming like the Annual 4th Down Fundamentals Camp, and other innovative initiatives in the Atlanta Area. Leigh Anthony Torrence, Jr. is a product of South West Atlanta. He attended elementary and middle school in the West End at St. Anthony's Catholic School. Leigh Torrence is committed to the support and uplift of the Atlanta Community, which gave him his start in life.
NFL/YET Atlanta

National Football League YET Centers are designed to meet community needs by providing educational assistance, job training technical education, life-skills development, and recreational facilities for regional outlets. Services vary depending on the needs of the surrounding community, but many include libraries, classrooms, technology labs, and physical fitness equipment at the center. Many YET Centers offer full day school programs and after school services.
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Smart Start United Way of Atlanta

Smart Start focuses on the READY CHILD EQUATION = Ready families + Ready communities + Ready Services + Ready Schools = CHILDREN READY FOR SCHOOL, and as a result, fosters quality early learning experiences for Georgia's pre-school generation and promotes lifetime learning to ensure greater achievement throughout the child’s education and life.
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NFL Junior Player Development (NFL JPD)
Developed to provide a template for high school football programs, as well as additional access to youth tackle football, the program provides step-by-step instruction for every team position to boys between the ages of 12 and 14 in a fun and engaging environment. The program integrates on-field skills development with life skills and character development.
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Herbert Hoover Boys & Girls Club, St. Louis

Since 1967, Herbert Hoover Boys & Girls Club (HHBGC) has been providing a safe place for children to learn and grow. With a mission is to inspire and enable youth ages 6 to 18 to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens, HHBGC serves as a source of hope and opportunity for more than 3,500 youth. Founded on the site of historic Sportsman’s Park, former home to the St. Louis Browns and Cardinals baseball teams, the 78,000 square-foot facility houses a technology center, Metlife Learning Center, Target Reading Room, game room, swimming pool, tennis courts, football field, gymnasium, art room, Crest Smile Shoppe dental clinic, Clarkson Eyecare vision clinic, teen center, Community Music School of Webster University, performing arts/dance studio, multi-purpose community room, cafeteria and kitchen, fitness center, storage and administrative spaces.
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Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing of Greater St. Louis, Inc. is a program that recognizes and encourages the positive behaviors of area children. A partnership with KMOV Channel 4, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, St. Louis County Police Department, Suburban Journals and Cooperating School Districts, Do The Right Thing proudly recognize area children who "do the right thing" in monthly awards ceremonies held at Police Department Headquarters. The goals of this project are to reinforce good behavior and to increase awareness of children's positive acts and deeds in the community and to recognize them as role models for the youth of the St. Louis region.
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America Scores

America SCORES St. Louis is an affiliate of America SCORES, a national 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serves thousands of urban, public-school children in 14 major cities throughout the United States. Through its affiliates, America SCORES provides a national model for youth development - one in which the unique combination of soccer, poetry, and community service prepares children for success throughout their lives as students, citizens, and leaders.
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Missouri Legislative Black Caucus

Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Foundation, Inc . was created as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Foundation was created to provide disadvantage youth with educational opportunities through scholarships and internships, to foster partnerships with corporations, and to stimulate economic and social growth within our communities by exploring relevant issues at our annual conference. The annual conference is a forum for providing the citizens of Missouri with information regarding pertinent issues which affect their lives and their communities.
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Espiritu NFL YET Academy Charter School

The Espiritu NFL YET Academy was founded in 1990 in response to escalating neighborhood violence and a growing prevalence of drugs in South Phoenix. A group of community leaders gathered to find a solution, believing that education was the only way to improve life and the community, a charter school was born to fight against deterioration of the neighborhood. The Academy’s entire educational approach solidifies around the concept that all people have an innate love of learning, and the key was to help others discover this gift in each child, nurture it and develop it, steeped in the belief that communities have the leadership necessary to increase their economic wealth. Developing and sustaining leaders in the local community using a faith-based approach to grow leaders who would one day lead by building spirit in family and community. A shining example of the NFL YET initiative, the Espiritu NFL YET Academy Charter School received an initial grant during 1996’s Super Bowl XXX, which established the only NFL YET facility that is a charter school. 2008’s Super Bowl XLII Legacy Grant will fund extension of the Academy beyond the gates in South Phoenix, into communities across Arizona.
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First Book

First Book is a nonprofit organization with a single mission: to give children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first new books. We provide an ongoing supply of new books to children participating in community-based mentoring, tutoring, and family literacy programs.
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Jackie Joyner-Kersee Boys & Girls Club

In 1988, Jackie established the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation a 501 (c) (3) public foundation. Under her leadership, the Foundation raised over $12 million from a variety of corporate, foundation and government sources and from scores of committed local individuals. The result was the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Center and an endowment. The Center was constructed on a 37-acre site adjacent to Interstate 64 and Kenneth Hall Park in East St. Louis, IL. The 41, 000 square foot Jackie Joyner-Kersee Center opened on March 1, 2000.
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Mathews-Dickey Boys & Girls Club

Mathews-Dickey Boys & Girls Clun provides not only recreational but educational, cultural and leadership training programs to more than 40,000 young men and women in the St. Louis metropolitan area. It stands as a testament to the outstanding spirit of not only its members but also of a small, dedicated professional staff that guides programs supported by donations from corporations, foundations and individuals. The many volunteers who offer their time and talent also provide invaluable contributions.
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Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails

Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails works to further develop and enhance programs and coalitions that directly affect respiratory health and disease. The organization sees a future of clean air and healthy lungs, and is working diligently to ensure that vision.
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CarPe Diem Sports Academy

CarPe Diem Sports Academy empowers youth and families. Through physical activities, mentoring and leadership training we encourage young people to be the best they can be. We are a team of educators, including college advisors, coaches, specialists and former athletes, who assist parents and students in reaching their dreams and raising the overall vibration of society.
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Catholic Charities of St. Louis

Catholic Charities--Archdiocese of Saint Louis is the largest private provider of social services in the state of Missouri. Organized as a federation, Catholic Charities is comprised of 8 agencies offering more than 100 programs to benefit, on average, approximately 140,000 poor and impoverished people annually.
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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta

Our Mission is to transform the lives of children through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships with caring, well-trained volunteers. Our highest aspiration is to inspire children to dream and succeed. Our goal is to transform our community one child at a time. The agency accomplishes its goals through a diversity of program offerings. Those programs include: Community-Based Mentoring, our core program; Amachi program, a faith-based initiative; High School Bigs; Hispanic Mentoring Initiative; and Corporate Partnerships.
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North Carolina Prevention Partners

NC Prevention Partners (NCPP) is a statewide non-profit, membership organization dedicated to building effective prevention systems in NC communities and health systems in order to improve health of all North Carolinians.
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Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta

For more than 65 years, reaching over 15,000 youth each year, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta has been in the forefront of youth development, working with young people from disadvantaged economic, social and family circumstances. Since 1938, we have provided children with a positive place to go, results-oriented programming and a professional staff to guide them.
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Urban St. Louis K-Life

K-Life is a community wide interdenominational Christian ministry of discipleship and fellowship for youth and their families. K-Life works alongside churches and families in the community to teach and encourage kids to be strong in the Lord in spite of all the negative pressures they face as teenagers.Urban St. Louis K-Life
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R.E.A.C.H. St. Louis
Regional Education and Advocacy Coalition on HIV/AIDS (R.E.A.C.H., St. Louis), a not-for profit AIDS service organization, has served the St. Louis metropolitan community for 17 years. The agency’s mission is to educate and advocate for those who are affected/infected with HIV, with a particular emphasis on African Americans.
HGTV – Designed To Sell
On HGTV, the Designed to Sell episodes illustrate how to turn a tired house into a showpiece by giving sellers a $2,000 budget and a team of experts to transform their house into the hottest property on the block. The Foundation has partnered with HGTV’s Designed to Sell show to work in their “Give Back” to the community, working on renovations and room make-overs at the NFL YET Center buildings across the country, working to turn the YET Centers into showpieces in their respective communities!
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Urban Farming
Urban Farming is an international 501c3 headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, that plants food on unused land and space and gives ti to the needy. With a mission to end hunger in this generation, Urban Farming works to plant gardens on unused land in cities, on rooftops, on walls, in planters in malls and sidewalk cafes and have Green Science Gardens on school campuses k-college. The guiding principal of Urban Farming is to form win-win partnerships with local, national and international businesses, government agencies, non-profits as well as community members and leaders, faith based organizations and youth and senior groups. Urban Farming facilitates mentoring and youth and adult entrepreneurship and teaches about agriculture, alternative fuels, math, science, life skills and healthy eating.
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Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation

Established in 1985, the Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation ( is the philanthropic arm of the Atlanta Falcons and is an affiliated fund of the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation. With Mr. Blank's acquisition of the Atlanta Falcons in 2002, AFYF has become the largest team-funded foundation in the National Football League, providing nearly $10 million in grants to nonprofit organizations across the state of Georgia.
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Southwest Atlanta Youth Foundation

Leigh Torrance's foundation, the South West Atlanta Youth Foundation (SWAY) serves to provide funding and resources for programming like the Annual 4th Down Fundamentals Camp, and other innovative initiatives in the Atlanta Area. Leigh Anthony Torrence, Jr. is a product of South West Atlanta. He attended elementary and middle school in the West End at St. Anthony's Catholic School. Leigh Torrence is committed to the support and uplift of the Atlanta Community, which gave him his start in life.
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Smart Start of Georgia

Smart Start focuses on the READY CHILD EQUATION = Ready families + Ready communities + Ready Services + Ready Schools = CHILDREN READY FOR SCHOOL, and as a result, fosters quality early learning experiences for Georgia's pre-school generation and promotes lifetime learning to ensure greater achievement throughout the child’s education and life.
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