Survivor at Every Stadium: Pittsburgh Steelers #SundayNightFootball

December 02, 2018

Survivor at Every Stadium: Pittsburgh Steelers #SundayNightFootball
Survivor at Every Stadium: Pittsburgh Steelers #SundayNightFootball
Survivor at Every Stadium: Pittsburgh Steelers #SundayNightFootball

Pittsburgh, PA. PA lung cancer survivor Dave Miller and his family represented Team Draft at Heinz Field on Sunday night. The group watched the Pittsburgh Steelers lose a close game to the visiting San Diego Chargers. #tacklinglungcancer #SundayNightFootball #LCSM

My Journey. Hmm, how to start. Well I thought I was a healthy, strong, hard working adult. Never called off work, enjoyed my social life on days off. And ate and drank anything I wanted. Basically I felt invincible. At 45 years of age I set Pennsylvania State Bench press record. And was at gym everyday making my body stronger. Umm was I?

A friend of mine said I looked pale. I myself was feeling weaker in the gym weekly and really starting to feel fatigued and taking naps. And then the weight lose. A total of over 45 lbs in 2 months. I as a typical person that’s always in denial blamed it on my long hours at work on the Railroad as a Trainmaster. Also poor eating habits and late party nights with the fellas.

Then came the day went to doctor for bloodwork. Oh my, I was a total mess. Anemia, high blood pressure, liver enzymes and kidney enzymes out the roof. Along with about 5 other things I can’t even remember.
After many more test and many more needles and scans I got the call of possible Cancer. Wow! What do you say, nawwww. Probably something else. Then came the scans and biopsy’s. Stage 4 Lung Cancer! Numb, denial,scared,worried,sad! The list goes on over and over in my mind. The words 6 months to live. Wow! This was March of 2015 , just 3 months before my Daughter Haley was to graduate High School, was I gonna see her graduating, should I tell her. Confused and lost in my own mined.

After rounds of chemo and a target therapy drug I was stable and was having shrinkage in areas. And rapidly getting stronger and putting weight back on. This was 2016. Also re broke my own Bench Press record for Pennsylvania. What did all this do? Made me party more and live a crazy lifestyle that wasn’t good for my body. I again, felt invisible.
So now after almost 4years of fighting this disease I have changed my lifestyle . Since 2016 I’ve had 4 more experiences of cancer growth. And each time has knocked me back a little more to reality. I understand Cancer will knock you down no matter how strong or even if you have money. I’ve become a better person because of cancer. I’m a better Husband, Father, Friend and overall a better person. Cancer will not take any of those things from me. The Lord is my strength. I still struggle everyday. But I will not let cancer lead me down the wrong path of living. Thanks Cancer, in a weird way you made me a better person. So in all actuality thank you. These last 4 years have been best years of my life. So guess what cancer , no matter what, I whooped your butt! ~ Dave Miller

In 2012, we launched our inaugural Team Draft Survivor Series initiative on CNN during a nationally-televised prime time special focusing on lung cancer and our National Campaign to Change the Face of Lung Cancer. Our Survivor at Every Stadium, leverages our connections with the NFL, its teams and players with our relationships with many of the top cancer centers in the country. As a part of our International Campaign, the games allow us to celebrate our survivors, raise awareness, and give hope to those battling the disease, as well as shine a light on the important work being done at cancer research and treatment centers around the country.

Team Draft’s goals are to create a unique experience for participating survivors and to raise awareness on a local, national, and international level by using each game and each survivor’s story to weave a broader narrative about the state of cancer and the hope that now exists for those battling the disease.

Thank you so much Chris Draft and Team Draft. Thank you for giving my family a chance of a lifetime attending a Pittsburgh Steeler game. You have created memories that will last a lifetime.
Team Drafts mission is very clear, spread awareness and erase the stigma that goes along with Lung Cancer. Also Team Draft's mission of finding a cure is the number one priority. Thank you so much Chris Draft for your dedication and tenacity to conquer this terrible disease. You are a true Hero
Thank you again Dave Miller

Team Draft’s fifth annual Lung Cancer Survivors Super Bowl Challenge kicked off on November 1, 2018. This unique fund raising challenge gives lung cancer survivors the opportunity to raise funds for public awareness and cutting-edge research that is giving new hope to those battling this often misunderstood disease. The top three fundraisers, announced on December 31, 2018, will earn trips to Super Bowl 53 in Atlanta, GA, the 2019 NFL Pro Bowl in Orlando, FL and the Taste of the NFL in Atlanta, GA. The survivors have an opportunity to share their powerful stories with key individuals with influence from across the country. #RepYourCity #RepYourCancerCenter #RepYourLCOrganization 

**The lung cancer survivors that raise over $5,000 will be able to designated a beneficiary (Cancer Center or LC Organization) that will receive 80% of their raised funds (-fees) and the remaining 20% will support Team Draft’s mission to change the face of lung cancer.

Special thanks to the Pittsburgh Steelers, Lynne Molyneaux, and NFL and all of our Team Draft supporters for helping make this event possible.

Donate now to Support the National Campaign to Change the Face of Lung Cancer!